South Central Society for Photographic Education Conference that will be held
at Mississippi State University in the fall of 2012, from October 25-28. The
conference will be co-hosted by The Department of Art and The Department of
Communication to promote intercollegiate collaboration within the university by
involving students, faculty, and the facilities in each department, as well as
the community of Starkville, with a regional chapter of a national
organization. The Society for Photographic Education is a nonprofit membership
organization that provides a forum for the discussion of photography and
related media as a means of creative expression and cultural insight.
South Central SPE chapter is comprised of seven states: Alabama, Arkansas,
Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Texas, with conferences hosted
by institutions of higher education for the exploration of academic discourse
surrounding the medium of photography. Opportunities will exist at the
conference for SPE members and MSU students and faculty to participate in this
discourse with panel discussions, image-maker presentations, exhibitions, portfolio
reviews, workshops, critiques, and honoring a distinguished educator.
2012 conference titled Nothing Ventured /Nothing Gained: The Creative Risk, will focus on the risks artists take in
the conceptual and technical aspects of their work, and the challenges they
overcome in their visual research. Mississippi State University’s commitment to
hosting the conference will critically examine the diversity of photographic
practice by addressing the three major sectors of photography: traditional,
digital, and alternative processes, not only with member participation, but by
inviting Keynote Speaker Todd Hido and Featured Speakers Kelli Connell, and
Susan Burnstine to talk about their research.
Thursday 10/25/2012
10 - noon workshop with Susan Burnstine
SPE student volunteers 6 -7 Susan Burnstine, Featured SpeakerGiles Auditorium 7-9pm Reception, Visual Art
Exhibition Title: SPE Members’
Exhibition and
Avant-Garde Photography:Works by the
North Texas Alternative Process Group
October 16-November 2
FRIDAY 10/26/201212- 1:30pm Dornith Doherty, Honored Educator
Presentation and ReceptionMcComas Theater
4:30 – 5:30 KEYNOTE: Todd Hido, McComas
5:30 – 7:30pm McComas GalleryExhibition Title: Nothing Ventured /Nothing
Gained: The Creative RiskDornith Doherty, Susan Burnstine,
Kelli Connell and Todd Hido Saturday 10/27/2012
-6:30pm: Featured Speaker: Kelli Connell, McComas Theater
8 – 11pm Jazz
Party, SPESC Event
Hotel Chester, Downtown Starkville SUNDAY 10/28/201210-12 Portfolio
Reviews in Stafford HallPortfolio Registration and directions in entry of
Stafford“Walk through” Portfolio sharing in upstairs
hallway of StaffordProfessional Level and Student Level / 20 min slots[regional curators and editors are expected to
be reviewing]
Marita Gootee, SPESC Co-Chair
of Art
Lippillo, SPESC Co-Chair
Professor of Art
Roussin, SPESC Co-Chair
Professor of Communication