Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Help Blake - help the students of Smithville MS.

Took this from Blake's Facebook post - but I feel is it a great thing he is doing and we all should support him as much as we can!

He makes me proud that he is one of my students! Support Blake and give Smithville a prom to remember!
Email him at: blakemccollumphotography@live.com
Use Subject line: Smithville Prom

Or send him $$ via Paypal using the address above. I just sent him some funds -- it is for a very good cause!

This coming Saturday I'm photographing Smithville High School's prom. For those who don't know Smithville High was devastated by an F5 tornado last Wednesday. They were going to build their backdrops for the decoratoins but I told them to not worry about it, they have bigger things to worry about than a background! So i'm building 2 of these. If you wanna help build, sew, or whatever! Let me know! I am sure I could use some help! ALSO all my profits are being donated back to the high school. If you want to help but physically cant but want to help with a donation. Let me know and I'll add it all in!

Smithville HighSchool as of last Wednesday April 27,2011 and photo of the tornado that hit the town: